Youth on Course
Golf for $5 at participating courses!
Youth ages 6 to 18 are eligible to join Youth on Course for an annual membership fee of $20. This entitles members to play at over 20 participating courses in New York State and over 1,400 courses throughout the United States for $5 or less per round.
By registering below, youth will receive full membership benefits with the NYSGA including a USGA GHIN Handicap and eligibility to play in NYSGA tournaments.
How to Join?
- Visit and enter your zip code
- Submit the online form and the $30 membership fee - memberships are valid for a calendar year
- You'll receive an official confirmation email with your new membership number
- Once you receive your membership number, download the Youth on Course app to gain access to your digital membership card
- Use the app to find courses and availability in your area and show them your digital card on-site to play!
Participating Courses in NYSGA Region
course | Location | availability |
Amsterdam Muni | Amsterdam |
Monday-Friday: Anytime Weekends/Holidays: After 11am |
Brighton Park | Tonawanda |
Weekends: After 3PM |
The College Golf Course at Delhi | Delhi |
Monday-Friday: Anytime Weekends: After 12pm (unless w/ golfing adult) |
Cassadaga Country Club | Cassadaga |
Monday-Friday: Anytime before 2PM Weekends: Anytime before 2PM |
Chautauqua |
Monday-Friday: After 11am Weekends/Holidays: After 2pm |
Syracuse |
Weekends: After 12pm |
Kanon Valley CC | Oneida | Anytime |
Lyndon GC | Fayetteville |
Anytime No Tee Time Required |
Malone GC |
Malone |
Monday-Friday: Anytime Weekends: After 12PM based on availability |
Maple Hill GC | Marathon |
Monday-Friday Anytime Weekends: After 12 |
Mark Twain GC | Elmira | Anytime No Tee Time Required |
Oneonta CC | Oneonta |
Weekends After 2pm |
Orchard Vali GC | Layayette |
Monday-Friday: 8am-3pm Weekends: After 12pm |
Rome CC | Rome |
Monday-Friday: Before 12pm Weekends: After 12pm |
Sunset Ridge | Marcellus | Monday-Friday: Anytime Weekends: After 12pm (tee time required) |
Tanner Valley GC | Syracuse |
Monday-Friday: 8am-3pm Weekends: After 12pm |
Western Turnpike | Guilderland | Monday-Friday: Before 12PM Weekends: After 1PM |
Willow Creek | Big Flats | Monday-Friday: After 2PM Weekends: After 2PM |
There are additional participating courses in the Rochester District and Metropolitan NY regions.
Looking to become a participating course?
Contact Andrew Hickey, NYSGA Assistant Executive Director at
Map of Participating Courses
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any restrictions for playing?
Yes. Many courses set time restrictions for when Youth on Course members can play for $5 or less. Please check above for restrictions and call ahead to make a tee time.
Do you pay for range balls or a cart?
Youth on Course does not cover range balls or carts, and we encourage members to walk.
Can I play for $5 or less with my golf team or for a tournament?
You cannot use your membership for tournaments or competitions.
How long does my membership last?
Memberships are valid for one calendar year.
How do I play golf for $5 or less?
After joining, you will get a digital membership card with your unique membership number on it. Show this to the course during the designated Youth on Course times and you will play for $5 or less.