Update Profile
To improve data security and privacy, the USGA has updated how golfers access the GHIN Mobile App and ghin.com.
A digital profile login has replaced the old method of Last Name and GHIN Number. This will not only better secure golfer data, but will also enable more self-service when initiating a reset password email and update profile information once logged in (email address, mailing address, phone number).
Creating a Digital Profile
On January 11, you were asked to create a login by verifying your email address and setting a password before accessing your profile. To avoid any disruptions, please ensure you currently have a valid, unique email address in your GHIN profile.
For golfers who share an email address, the first golfer to initiate the digital profile creation will "claim" that email address, requiring the other golfer to have the NYSGA, or their club update their email address.
Guardian Management
To comply with COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act); children under 13 will no longer be able to access the Score Posting Kiosk and must have a Guardian tied to their account to have a score posted for them on ghin.com or the GHIN Mobile App.
If a logged in golfer is a guardian of a minor then they can view and select a "Change Golfer" link within the GHIN Mobile App (located within the "More" menu) and ghin.com (located when clicking the golfer's name in the top-right corner of the webpage). Here, the guardian will see all minor accounts registered under then. A guardian can select a minor account and change the golfer to view and access the GHIN Mobile App or ghin.com as the minor golfer.
Digital Profile FAQS
Why and when will golfers need to create a digital profile with a unique email address to log in to the GHIN mobile app and ghin.com?
In order to improve data security and golfer privacy, golfers will need to create a digital profile to access the GHIN mobile app and ghin.com beginning on January 11, 2021. Users are required to have a unique email address to create a digital profile and access the GHIN mobile app and ghin.com.
How do golfers add an email address to their profile so that they can create a digital profile?
Golfers can request that their Club Admin or local Association update their profile within the USGA Admin Portal. Please contact the NYSGA to provide or confirm your email address on file.
How will golfers create a digital profile?
First, the golfer must have an email address on file as an email will be sent to complete the digital profile creation process. This email may be sent automatically if your Association opts to send a bulk email, otherwise the golfer can kick-off this email on ghin.com or the GHIN Mobile App by verifying 2 of 3 pieces of information: Last Name, GHIN Number, Email Address. A Club Admin can also send an invitation email within the Golfer Account page in the USGA Admin Portal. Once this occurs, a golfer will receive an email with a link that will take them to ghin.com and have them set and confirm a password and accept the privacy policy and terms of service.
Who will the email to create a digital profile come from? What will the message be?
The email will be sent from "GHINProfile@usga.org" with the following message:
Subject: ACTION REQUIRED: Complete Your GHIN Digital Profile!
Dear [Golfer's Name],
Thank you for being part of the Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN) through your club and regional golf association.
For the security and privacy of our golfers, we now require all golfers to setup an account with a password in order to access the GHIN Mobile App and ghin.com.
Click here or on the link below to establish your account and complete your registration. Once an account has been established, you can access the GHIN Mobile App and ghin.com with your email address or GHIN Number and the password that you have created.
How will golfers access the GHIN mobile app and ghin.com with their digital profile?
When creating their digital profile, golfers will set a password for their account. A golfer will then log in to the GHIN Mobile App and ghin.com with their email address or GHIN Number and the password they created.
What are the password requirements?
The minimum requirements for the password is 6 characters. We recommend golfers use strong passwords, but there is no requirement to have a Capital letter, special character, number, etc.
What happens if a golfer forgets their password?
There will be a "Forgot Login Information" link on the GHIN mobile app and ghin.com login page. The golfer will just need to supply their GHIN Number or email address and a reset password email will be sent to their email address on file. Additionally, within the Admin Portal, there will be a "Reset Password" button within the golfer profile that will trigger a reset password email to the golfer.
If golfers share an email address (e.g. spouse/partner), can they create a digital profile and login with the same email address?
No, only one digital profile can be tied to one unique email address. The first person to setup a digital profile will “claim” that email address. Another email address must be provided for the other golfer.
What if golfers do not provide an email address, how can they post a score?
If golfers do not provide an email address, they will not be able to create a digital profile and log in to the GHIN Mobile App or ghin.com. They will be able to access a Club Kiosk or have a Club Admin post a score on their behalf.
Since golfers under the age of 13 cannot supply an email address, how can they have their scores posted?
A minor will need to be tied to a guardian's account within the USGA Admin Portal. In January 2021, the guardian will see a “Change Golfer” link when logging in to the GHIN Mobile App and ghin.com. Here the guardian can change who they are posting scores for. A Club Admin can also post a score on behalf of a minor via the USGA Admin Portal.
Do golfers need an email address or digital profile to access the score posting Kiosk at the club?
No, an email address and digital profile is only required to access ghin.com and the GHIN Mobile App. Golfers can continue to access the Kiosk the same way they have in 2020 with the exception of children under 13, they will not be able to access the Kiosk on their behalf.
If a child under the age of 13 has a Guardian that is not a golfer and does not have a GHIN Number, how will they create a digital profile?
If a minor has a "non-golfing" Guardian who does not have a GHIN Number, the Guardian can still create a digital profile to access ghin.com and the GHIN Mobile App on behalf of the minor. The Guardian will need to supply their last name and email address when verifying their information in the Create Profile section of ghin.com and the GHIN Mobile App. They will then need to login with their email address since they do not have a GHIN Number.
What happens if a Admin Portal or Data Services user uses the same email address in their Golfer Profile?
If an existing Admin Portal or Data Services user has the same email address tied to their Golfer Profile, they will use the same password to access ghin.com & GHIN Mobile App.
These golfers will still need the Digital Profile creation process initiated in order to link their existing account to their Digital Profile
If they receive the bulk email, no action required for the user
If their Association does not opt-in to the bulk email send, the user will need to organically verify their information on ghin.com or GHIN Mobile App or have an Admin initiate the digital profile creation process in order to create the linkage
These golfers will receive different email messaging as they will not need to set a password