2020 BDGA Season Review and Awards
BUFFALO, N.Y. -- It was an interesting year for golf especially in New York. With a majority of statewide competitions canceled due to restrictions of COVID-19 players turned to regional associations like the BDGA for a majority of their competitive events. Thankfully the Buffalo District was able to conduct a shortened schedule which consisted of the most prestigious events the district offers. The BDGA Individual Championship, Match Play Championship, Mid-Amateur Championship, Senior Championship, Jr. Stroke Play Championship and Jr. Match Play Championship.
This season if you heard “BDGA” or “Buffalo District” it was most likely associated with the name, Anthony Delisanti. The 17-year-old senior at Niagara Wheatfield High School won every BDGA event he participated in during the 2020 season. Delisanti captured the BDGA Men’s Individual Championship at Springville CC to start off the season, becoming the youngest player to ever win the championship. From there he went on to capture both the BDGA Men’s and Boy’s Jr. Match Play Championships. All of this success eventually led to Delsanti claiming the 2020 BDGA Men’s Player of the Year Award after holding the Junior Player of the Year title for both the 2018 and 2019 seasons. The young man’s success did not end there, Delisanti returned to Niagara Wheatfield for his senior year, he went on to set the nine-hole school and league stroke record with a 6-under par 30 at Deerwood Golf Course in an NFL match vs North Tonawanda. He then capped off the fall season with his fourth consecutive medalist honors at the Niagara Frontier League Championship.
The BDGA is proud to announce the remaining 2020 Player of the Year Awards: Andy Bernatovicz of River Oaks Golf Club earned the Senior Player of the Year, Bernatovicz won the BDGA Senior Stroke Play Championship, reclaiming the title he earned in 2018 and finished runner-up in the 2020 BDGA Senior Match Play Championship.
The Junior Player of the Year was awarded to Charlie Fischer of East Aurora Country Club. Fischer captured the BDGA Jr. Stroke Play Championship and finished runner-up in the BDGA Jr. Match Play Championship on his way to the Junior Player of the Year Title. In 2019 Fischer earned the BDGA Sub-Junior Player of the Year after an outstanding season, which was topped with a 2019 NYS Sub-Junior Amateur Championship.
Jack Tebeau of Wanakah Country Club earned the Sub-Junior Player of the Year. Tebeau won the BDGA Sub-Jr. Stroke Play Championship in a playoff and finished runner-up at the BDGA Sub-Jr. Match Play Championship.
The 2020 BDGA schedule was hosted by many of the top clubs throughout the Buffalo District including, Gowanda Country Club, River Oaks Golf Club, Sheridan Park Golf Course, Springville Country Club, Transit Valley Country Club and Willowbrook Golf Course.
We would also like to honor all the 2020 Buffalo District Golf Association champions for their outstanding accomplishments this season:
Buffalo District Men’s Individual Championship
Springville Country Club, July 16-18
Winner: Anthony Delisanti*
Runner-up: Billy Hanes
*youngest ever Individual Champion
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Buffalo District Women’s Individual Championship
Springville Country Club, July 16-18
Winner: Julie Murphy*
Runner-up: Christy Malo
*2018 Women’s Individual Champion
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Buffalo District Boy’s Junior Stroke Play Championship
Sheridan Park Golf Course, Aug. 5-6
Winner: Charlie Fischer*
Runner-up: Owen Rooney
*2019 Sub-Jr. Champion
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Buffalo District Boy’s Sub-Junior Stroke Play Championship
Sheridan Park Golf Course, Aug. 5-6
Winner: Jack Tebeau*
Runner-up: John Giangreco
*won on 2nd playoff hole
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Buffalo District Girl’s Junior Stroke Play Championship
Sheridan Park Golf Course, Aug. 5-6
Winner: Rosalie Dinunzio
Runner-up: Alyssa Ballaro
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Buffalo District Match Play Championship
Gowanda Country Club, Aug. 7-9
Winner: Anthony Delisanti
Runner-up: Tommy Rajczak
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Buffalo District Senior Match Play Championship
Gowanda Country Club, Aug. 7-9
Winner: Kraig Weber
Runner-up: Andy Bernatovicz
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Buffalo District Boy’s Junior Match Play Championship
Willowbrook Golf Course, Aug. 10-11
Winner: Anthony Delisanti*
Runner-up: Charlie Fischer
*2019 Champion
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Buffalo District Boy’s Sub-Junior Match Play Championship
Willowbrook Golf Course, Aug. 10-11
Winner: Mac Quinn
Runner-up: Jack Tebeau
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Buffalo District Girl’s Junior Match Play Championship
Willowbrook Golf Course, Aug. 10-11
Winner: Rosalie Dinunzio
Runner-up: Alyssa Ballaro
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Buffalo District Senior Championship
Transit Valley Country Club, Sept. 16
Over-All Winner: Andy Bernatovicz*
Runner-ups: Perry Pedini & David Lindstrom
Legends Division Champion: Craig McIntyre
Masters Division Champion: Fred Gigliotti
*2018 Champion
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Buffalo District Mid-Amateur Championship
River Oaks Golf Club, Sept. 28
Winner: Andy Fretthold
Runner-up: Bill Cranston
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Thank you to all the host clubs and member clubs for their continued support of the BDGA and our events, especially during these trying times. We’d also like to take this time to recognize our volunteers who dedicate their time and resources to support and administer golf throughout Western New York.
Please keep an eye out for the 2021 BDGA Tournament Schedule and make sure you are ready for a full event schedule next season!