NYSGA Updates Regarding COVID-19
(Updated on March 25) - The NYSGA has been closely monitoring all information and updates regarding COVID-19 and the impact the situation has on the golf industry.
Click here to read official joint statement from The coalition of New York State Golf Associations released on March 25, 2021.
NYS Interim Guidance For Sports & Recreation
The NYS Department of Health updated their interim guidance on March 25, 2021 for sports and recreation during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
Golf is classified as one of the low-risk recreation activities as determined by Empire State Development (ESD).
According to this updated guidance, responsible parties at all golf courses and driving ranges should ensure players adhere to the following additional safety measures, in addition to social distancing and ace coverings when such distancing cannot be maintained.
- Restrict use of golf carts to no more than two persons per cart; provided, however, that a person may request their own cart if they would otherwise be sharing with another individual who is not a member of their same family/household;
- Responsible Parties must require face coverings be worn while cart is occupied with two persons and may consider installation of physical barriers between riders so long as they do not impede visibility or operation of the cart.
- Responsible Parties must clean and disinfect carts in between each party’s use.
- Keep golf bag in possession (e.g., walking or push cart), when possible, or use an assigned caddie who is required to wear a face covering and perform regular hand hygiene (e.g., hand washing or sanitizing) when in close contact with players and handling player equipment;Consider using remote check-in, with advance tee time reservations (by internet or telephone);
- Responsible Parties may offer player equipment storage so long as caddies or handlers wear a face covering and perform regular hand hygiene when handling player equipment.
- Process payment of greens fee in a contact-free manner at the time of play by credit and debit card only (e.g. no cash) to the extent possible; courses should make efforts to take phone payments in advance;
- Allow the use of bunker rakes, ball washers, flagsticks, water coolers, and shared on-course equipment or amenities so long as they are cleaned and disinfected between each party’s use or on a frequent, set schedule throughout the day when the course or range is open for play;
- Permit golf pros on the course, provided they do not touch players and keep six feet of distance at all times, unless wearing a face covering or are separated by a physical barrier;
- Encourage single-use of items, such as tees/scorecards/pencils/ball markers, and discourage sharing of such items among non-household members, unless such items are cleaned and disinfected between use;
- Only allow club and equipment rentals if it is cleaned and disinfected before and after player use; o All retail and food services shall adhere to the State-issued guidance for such activities;
- All on-premises gatherings are subject to the social gathering limits set forth by the State; and
- Post messaging and facility signage to reflect interim rules of use.
Click Here to Read Full Guidance
COVID-19 Resources
Below is a list of information from various golf-related organizations on COVID-19.
- We Are Golf: Back2Golf Operations Playbook
- USGA Rules and Handicapping Guidance - COVID-19
- USGA Green Section COVID-19 Resources
- Club Management Association of America (CMAA) - Coronavirus and Pandemic Viruses
- Golf Course Superintendents Assication of American (GCSAA) - COVID-19 Pandemic Resources
- National Club Association (NCA) - Coronavirus: What Clubs Need to Know
- National Golf Foundation (NGF) - COVID-19 Resource Center
- National Golf Course Owners Association (NGCOA) - Coronavirus and Your Golf Business