NYSGA Renews Partnership with OnCore Golf
JAMESVILLE, N.Y. - The New York State Golf Association (NYSGA) has extended its partnership with OnCore Golf Technologies, an innovative golf ball designer and manufacturer based in Buffalo, NY.
OnCore will remain the “official ball of the NYSGA” under the agreement, and players will receive complimentary sleeves of logoed OnCore golf balls at each of the 17 New York State Amateur Golf Championships during the 2019 season. In addition, OnCore will provide logoed golf balls for the NYSGA to giveaway throughout the 25+ Amateur Series events statewide.
“The NYSGA is very pleased to have OnCore’s continued support,” said Dan Thompson, Director of Marketing & Partnerships. “They added significant value to our Amateur Series last year, and will take their support a step further, showcasing their golf balls at all NYSGA competitions in 2019."
OnCore currently offers two golf balls to the marketplace which include recent Golf Digest Hot List “Gold” winning ELIXR premium tour ball, and their all new AVANT 55 low compression ball that appeals to a wide range of skill levels and which won “Silver” on the Hot List. They are also developing a Genius Ball, which aims to send useful analytics about your shot, synced directly to your smartphone.
“We are thrilled to partner with the NYSGA - an organization run by and composed of serious golfers with an unrivaled passion for the game. The NYSGA gives us a platform to seed our innovative golf balls and have them played at a premier level,” said Steve Coulton, OnCore Co-Founder and Vice President.
The innovative company offers a significant loyalty program that provides lifetime discounts based on cumulative dollars spent on OnCore products. They also offer a “ball fitting” program, to assist customers in selecting the OnCore ball best suited for their skill level.
About OnCore Golf OnCore is dedicated to delivering breakthrough technology and innovation, while inspiring golfers at all skill levels and abilities. The company entered the golf ball industry through development of the first-ever commercially available USGA-conforming hollow metal core ball. The Company has since developed a growing suite of differentiated products distributed worldwide that now includes the award-winning Avant 55 low compression ball and the top-performing ELIXR tour ball, a Golf Digest 2019 Hot List gold award winner. For additional information, visit: OnCoreGolf.com