NYSGA and RDGA Announce Joint Membership
JAMESVILLE, N.Y. -- The New York State Golf Association (NYSGA) and Rochester District Golf Association (RDGA) are pleased to introduce a joint membership for clubs and courses in the seven-county RDGA region, effective January 1, 2022.
The joint membership will significantly enhance the member benefits of the RDGA membership and provide increased opportunities for golfers, while at the same time simplifying the administration process for the clubs and golf facilities. As a result of this agreement, all clubs, including clubs with real estate, clubs without real estate, and individual golfers who are in the RDGA region will be joint members of both the RDGA and the NYSGA and will be entitled to member benefits of each association.
Related: NYSGA Member Benefits / RDGA Homepage
“This partnership with the RDGA fulfills a goal of ours (and of our parent organization, the USGA) to unite golf opportunities for golfers across the state under a common umbrella of simplified and streamlined administration of statewide golf championships, while maintaining regional autonomy over membership,” commented Joe Enright, NYSGA President. “The partnership agreement reaffirms the respective regions of golf membership responsibility and provides enhanced opportunities for the golfers of the RDGA to have increased information about NYSGA tournaments and the opportunity to participate in both scratch and handicapped competitions – all with simplified and economical procedures for entering. Our prior agreement of a similar nature with the Metropolitan Golf Association (MGA) downstate has proven invaluable and has enhanced golf statewide. We are certain that this agreement with the RDGA will benefit statewide golf even more. Now, every golfer with an active GHIN membership in the state will have joint educational opportunities, access to joint marketing initiatives, and easy access to statewide tournaments. A very exciting time!”
Combining our efforts and working together to provide this joint membership strengthens each association’s ability to better serve the needs of our collective memberships” stated Bill Moore, NYSGA Executive Director. “We are eager to grow our relationship with golfers and clubs through our relationship with the RDGA.”
Full schedules of the NYSGA’s Championships and Amateur Series, along with educational opportunities and other member benefits can be found on NYSGA.org under the “Join” tab.
About the NYSGA
The New York State Golf Association is an association of member clubs, represented by over 130 committee members, and exists for the purpose of promoting and conserving the traditions of golf throughout New York State. Each year since its founding in 1923, the NYSGA has conducted New York State’s Amateur Championships. The NYSGA also conducts qualifying for the United States Golf Association Championships and runs a series of popular handicapped events known as the Amateur Series. In addition to conducting tournaments, the NYSGA provides member services including handicapping, course measuring and rating, scholarships, training, rules education, marketing opportunities, and communications. The NYSGA also oversees and selects membership in the New York State Golf Association Hall of Fame which recognizes and enshrines accomplished golfers and volunteers statewide.
About the RDGA
The Rochester District Golf Association (RDGA) is an Allied Golf Association of the USGA. Its primary responsibility lies in the delivery of USGA Core Products and Services to each of our member clubs, including: Providing technical support and maintenance for the USGA GHIN handicap system and the new World Handicap system, Providing periodic USGA course rating services on a rotating basis, Administering and providing technical support for the USGA Tournament Management system, Implementing continuing education seminars regarding the Rules of Golf, Conducting USGA championship qualifiers and annual RDGA golf tournaments, Partnering with our member clubs, PGA professionals, local golf organizations and associations, golf leagues and any other entities interested in developing and delivering innovative programs to golfers of all ages, genders and abilities, Promoting and preserving the traditions of the game. Founded in 1929, the RDGA remains committed to enhancing the golfer experience in the greater Rochester area and to growing and improving the long term health of the game we love.