Moore's Monthly: A Look Ahead to 2023
A monthly column from the NYSGA’s Executive Director, Bill Moore
With the holiday season upon us, I get to answer the question I hear all the time: What do you guys do all winter?
While it is true that we have more time to spend with family and take care of some tasks at home that we may have neglected during the summer, there is still plenty to do in the office and all of us are here daily getting ready for 2023.
Our Championship department is hard at work locking in sites and contracts for 2023, and while they have the bulk of these locked in we have over 75 courses to secure and details to work out. This is also a Rules change year, and while there aren’t a lot of changes our staff is studying the Rules of Golf to prepare for the USGA/PGA Rules Exam in 2023 and achieve Expert Certification - a tall task for any Rules aficionado!
In the club services arena, we are still working on wrapping up a few Course Ratings from 2022, as well as setting up the 30 ratings we have on the schedule for 2023. The rating process is still as tedious as ever and while we hope one day to do most of the work by satellite - those days aren’t quite here yet!
Over in Communications Dan is preparing some really exciting things as it is the 100th Anniversary of the NYSGA. Back in 1923 I am sure they never imagined where we would be today, and we are really excited to bring you some cool stories from the early days of the Association. There will be a lot more to come and I will let him fill you in on that in the very near future.
For me - well like most other businesses we are working on our end of the year activities - budgets, reviews, Board Meetings, etc. I have also joined the AGA (Allied Golf Association) Council - a group of Executive Directors from all over the country that works with the USGA to work together on issues of common interest. I am very excited about this opportunity to represent the NYSGA at a national level.
On behalf of the entire staff at the NYSGA we wish you a very Happy Holiday season and we hope to see you in 2023.