Get to Know the 2021 NYSGA Interns
JAMESVILLE, N.Y. -- Each season, the New York State Golf Association (NYSGA) welcomes seasonal interns provided through the United States Golf Association’s (USGA) P.J. Boatwright Jr Internship Program.
This program was established in 1991 across all Allied Golf Associations in North America, and is designed to give experience to individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in golf administration, while assisting golf associations in the promotion of amateur golf on an entry level basis.
Interns are exposed to tournament preparation and setup, event administration and management, learning many essential skills unique to golf administration. Many former interns nationally and within the NYSGA’s ranks, have moved into full-time positions and success within the golf industry.
The NYSGA also hires a communications intern to assist with coverage of New York State's amateur golf tournaments and championships throughout the season.
Take a few moments to “Get to Know” this year’s interns below:
Michael Dirkes, USGA P.J. Boatwright Intern – NYSGA
Hometown: Granby, Massachusetts
About: In May of this year, I graduated from Ithaca College with a Bachelor’s degree in Sports Media with minors in Sport Studies and Marketing. Prior to this internship I worked at Ledges Golf Club in South Hadley, MA, and at Cornell University with their athletic event staff.
Internship Goals: I hope to gain valuable experience in the world of sport, while networking in the golf industry and gaining confidence working in a professional setting.
Career Goals: My goal is to find the right place for myself while making use of my education and experience.
Hobbies: Golf, Basketball, Guitar
Daniel Mort, USGA P.J. Boatwright Intern – NYSGA
Hometown: Liverpool, N.Y.
About: I graduated from SUNY Oswego in 2020 with a degree in Human Resource Management. I played on their Division 3 team all four years. This is my second year with the NYSGA. There's two things I love; helping people and golf!
Internship Goals: Become USGA Rules certified, enhance my tournament management skills, grow my golf network, and elevate NYSGA events.
Career Goals: Grow the game of golf for women and minorities, work for the USGA, and become a plus handicap.
Hobbies: Painting, hiking, listening to music, and really anything golf related.
Jack Margaros, Communications Intern - NYSGA
Hometown: Bumpass, VA
About: I recently graduated from Springfield College with a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism. I covered high school sports, minor league baseball, college baseball and collegiate athletics while also being involved with campus media at Springfield. I just started playing golf a year ago. I can sense the game slowly consuming me.
Internship Goals: Become more knowledgeable about the game of golf and its rich history while producing the best content possible for New York’s amateur golf audience.
Career Goals: Create content for a professional sports team or organization, and tell compelling and meaningful stories.
Hobbies: Hiking, Biking, Golf, Music, Reading, Baseball