2024 Special Olympics New York Fall Games - Golf Results
PORTER CORNERS, N.Y. -- The Special Olympics New York hosted their 2024 Fall Games for the fourth consecutive year in the Glens Falls area of Upstate New York.
The golf competitions were held on Saturday, Oct. 19th at Brookhaven Golf Course in Porters Corners, where special olympic athletes from across the state comepted within fourteen divisions across several different formats. This was the fourth consecutive year that Brookhaven has hosted the golf competition.
Related: Final Results / Special Olympics NY
The competition offered the following formats: 18 hole individual stroke play, 18 hole alternate shot, 9 hole individual stroke play, 9 hole alternate shot, and a skills competition for both male and females.
Below are the top finishers in each format/division:
18 Holes
Stroke Play, Yellow - Aiden Gierlinger
Stroke Play, Blue - Brett Geiger
Stroke Play, Green - Matthew Klein
Alternate Shot, Blue - Stephen Showers & James Showers
Alternate Shot, Yellow - Dylan Edmonds and Joseph Edmonds
9 Holes
Stroke Play, Green - Ryan Goldacker
Stroke Play, Yellow - Darren Schoenfeldt
Stroke Play, Blue - Irina Ritchie
Alternate Shot, Red - Ryan Williams Banker & Ryan Stanton Reed
Alternate Shot, Green - Andy Fetherman & MIchael Featherman
Alternate Shot, Yellow - Paul Anthony Curro III & Anthony Curro
Alternate Shot, Orange - Marc Guy & Thomas McDonnell
Alternate Shot, Purple - Dan Gregor & Meghan Kathe
Alternate Shot, Pink - Robert Finklea & Gary Wergin
Skills Challenge
The NYSGA assisted Special Olympics NY in conducting the event, from developing the notice to player information sheet, to providing rules officials at the event and administrative support through Golf Genius tournament scoring website.
Past Results