2020 NYSGA Amateur Series Schedule Released
JAMESVILLE, N.Y. – The New York State Golf Association (NYSGA) announced the 2020 Amateur Series schedule which includes 25+ individual stroke play events conducted across the state.
This year's series will kick off with Turning Stone Resort & Casino’s Kaluhyat Golf Club and Shenendoah Golf Club in Verona on May 14-15 and finish with the championship on October 5th at Crag Burn Golf Club in East Aurora (site of the 2019 New York State Men’s Amateur).
Related: About the Series / Schedule
The fun, competitive lineup of handicapped (gross and net) stroke play events has become a popular way for NYSGA member golfers across New York to experience private golf courses, compete against others on a level and fair playing field, and earn pro shop prizes within their divisions and flights.
The events are open to NYSGA members with active, up-to-date licensed USGA Handicap Indexes. We breakdown each field into one of four divisions: Men, Senior Men (55+), Super Senior Men (65+), and Women. Due to high participation levels, the Men and Senior Men divisions are then further divided into A and B flights based on handicap (A is 8.9 or less, B is 9.0 or higher).
As in years past, players will earn points towards the 2020 NYSGA Amateur Series Championship based on their net finish within their flight. A player’s points total will consist of the sum of their top-5 tournament finishes. The top-120 players on the points list by season’s end will earn invitations to compete in the Championship.
Entry fees for these one-day events include greens, cart and range fees, exclusive tee gifts and prizes. The top net and gross finishers will receive prizes in the form of pro shop gift certificates at the end of each event.
Registration for the first wave of events will open on Monday, March 2 at 9am and will include the following sites:
5/14 – Kaluhyat GC5/15 – Shenendoah GC5/18 – Cavalry Club5/19 – Leatherstocking GC6/01 – Stafford CC6/01 – Albany CC (AM)6/01 – Albany CC (PM)6/09 – En-Joie GC6/10 – Conklin Players ClubOnline registration for the remainder of the schedule will be made available during two additional wave openings later in the season and includes:
6/15 – Brook-Lea CC6/29 – Orchard Park CC6/29 – Pinehaven CC7/06 – Shaker Ridge CC7/14 – Seven Oaks CC7/20 – Cobblestone Creek CC7/27 – Columbia G&CC8/03 – Bellevue CC8/17 – Transit Valley CC8/17 – Colonie G&CC8/19 – Yahnundasis GC8/24 – Powelton Club8/30 – Lake Placid Club – Mountain8/31 – Lake Placid Club – Links8/31 – Tuscarora GC9/01 – CC of Troy 10/5 – Crag Burn GC (Championship - Must Qualify)