NYSGA and MGA Announce Joint Membership
JAMESVILLE, N.Y. – The New York State Golf Association (NYSGA) and Metropolitan Golf Association (MGA) are pleased to announce a joint membership for clubs and courses in the areas that the associations overlap, effective March 1, 2019. The joint membership will benefit the golf community in Westchester, the Hudson Valley, and on Long Island.
The joint membership enhances the MGA’s portfolio of member benefits and offers increased opportunities for golfers, while simplifying the administration process for clubs and facilities. Through this initiative, all clubs—including clubs without real estate and individual golfers in the overlapping areas—will be joint members of the MGA and NYSGA. Joint members are entitled to member benefits of each association, including educational opportunities and tournament privileges.
“We are excited about this partnership with the MGA to provide increased opportunity and awareness for downstate golfers to participate in our statewide events,” shared NYSGA President Warren Winslow. “It’s been a priority of ours to strengthen and simplify the state and regional golf landscape in New York, and this new collaboration with the MGA is certainly a major step towards that goal.”
From an administrative standpoint, the joint membership allows for a more streamlined experience for clubs with these valuable benefits bound under a single umbrella.
“Combining efforts and working together to provide this joint membership strengthens each association’s ability to better serve the needs of our collective memberships while keeping costs as low as possible,” stated Bill Moore, NYSGA Executive Director. “We have enjoyed a close relationship with the MGA for many years and are eager to grow our relationships with golfers and clubs throughout our overlapping territory.”
The MGA currently serves over 550 clubs throughout Metropolitan New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, with their headquarters in Elmsford, a village in Westchester County. Their New York State members include golfers living in New York City, Staten Island, Long Island and Westchester County – adding up to over 70,000.
“The MGA is excited to collaborate with our neighbors to the North, the NYSGA,” MGA Executive Director Brian Mahoney said. “Both associations feel strongly about working collaboratively to better serve golf in southern New York and the more than 70,000 golfers impacted by this membership.”
Full schedules of championships and educational events can be found on each Association’s website – mgagolf.org and nysga.org.