Moore's Monthly: Post Those Scores
A monthly column from the NYSGA’s Executive Director, Bill Moore
Despite the good weather in mid March that allowed many courses to open early, the last few weeks have been pretty disappointing in terms of the weather. Certainly not surprising, but disappointing to say the least!
With the start of the golf season this year brings a few important changes to the World Handicap System…most importantly the treatment of 9 hole scores. In the past, 9 hole scores would be saved in your record until you played another 9 hole round, and at that point the scores would be combined into a single score posting. This never made much sense to me as these rounds could have been played weeks apart in completely different conditions and variables.
Starting this season, 9 hole scores that are posted to your record will create an 18 hole differential using something the USGA calls “expected score”. I won’t go into details about how it is done but those of you interested in reading more about it can click here. For people that may only play once or twice a week in the evenings, this change will make a big difference. Handicaps will certainly be more responsive and I believe more consistent as well.
The World Handicap System works at its best when you post every single eligible score. Don’t be one of those folks who doesn’t post their high scores because you are afraid your handicap will go up (it won’t) - and CERTAINLY don’t be a golfer who doesn’t post the low scores to keep their handicap higher than it should be. Be proud of that good score and post it. We are seeing record numbers of golfers nationwide with a valid Handicap Index…let’s see a record number of scores posted as well.
Last Month's Article: A Tribute to Steely